
$veSONUS holders will place their votes once a week on the selection of LP pairings they would like emissions to be distributed to. Each pool will get a determined amount of votes and the share of the total votes will equal the share of the epoch's $SONUS emissions directed to that epoch. All trading fees accrue in the epoch following the vote snapshot.

Voting Strategies

  • Voting power (“ve”) decays linearly over the 104 weeks ( 2 years ) of lock.

  • Votes don't carry over to the next epoch! So you have to revote before the end of each epoch.

  • To earn maximum bribe & fees rewards from any pool in the epoch, you must max-lock your nft and re-cast your vote each epoch.

  • Its generally recommended to vote on tuesdays or wednesdays to wait for the best bribe & fee offerings to show up.


Bribes are in addition to fees and will be claimable after the snapshot occurs at Wednesday 23:59 UTC, the end of each epoch.

Last updated