veSonus Token

veSONUS are specialized ERC-721 tokens that implement the vested-vote escrow (ve) model, representing a user's underlying position.

veSONUS have a multitude of benefits in the Sonus Exchange ecosystem, such as:

  • Vote on gauge emissions

  • Vote on pools to earn Vote Incentives, and Swap Fees

  • Transfer/Merge/Split NFT positions

  • Dilution Protection Rebases

veSONUS holders play a key role in shaping the Sonus ecosystem. They can direct a portion of the weekly SONUS emissions toward specific liquidity pools to reward liquidity providers (LPs). In exchange, they receive all the fees and incentives generated from the pools they've chosen to support.

As a decentralized platform, Sonus entrusts veSONUS voters with the responsibility of guiding its long-term success and stability. They are the primary decision-makers and beneficiaries, with no privileged insider group having special influence.

As more participants become veSONUS holders, Sonus strengthens its economic foundation. This shared investment in the protocol's success builds lasting engagement, helping to draw in and keep users, while making it harder for competing decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to offer similar value.

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